Greenmeadow Primary School

Welcome to Gala Class - Year 1

Class Teacher - Miss Pallett

Teaching Assistant - Miss Cooper

Teaching Assistant - Ms Weston

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Parry

We are very excited for the year ahead and we are looking forward to developing new skills, interests and a love of learning with the children.

This year, we will be exploring the Year 1 curriculum through a range of different lessons and experiences. We will encourage the children to express their opinions whilst respecting the opinions of others and provide them with opportunities to develop their learning through working as a whole class, in small groups, pairs or as individuals.

If you have any questions, then please contact me directly via the class email: or make an appointment to see me through the school office.

Year 1 – Parent Welcome Information (Click Here)

Topic Web

Class messages

Please have your child's name on all of their clothes and belongings!

This really does help make sure things are returned to the right child.

(If you need to borrow a permanent marker please ask me) 


Please have your child's name in all of their clothes and belongings! Please make sure that your child comes to school in full uniform, unless you have been made aware of a theme day or event. 



Please ensure that your child always comes into school with a coat as the weather can be unpredictable and especially when the weather gets colder.

Water bottles

Please provide your child with a water bottle every day. The children can fill them up in the classroom and staff are always available to help. This is as well as a drink in their lunch box if they are having a packed lunch.


We have PE twice during the school week - on Monday and Thursday.

All children must have their PE kit in school every day to ensure that they can participate. We will continue to do PE outside as often as possible so please provide your child with appropriate clothing such as tracksuit and trainers. Daps are not suitable footwear for the field and outside playground, especially in wet weather. 

Children need to have earrings covered by micropore tape and hair tied back. You must provide tape for your child if they wear earrings in school.

Please also ensure that children have their name in each part of their kit! If your child is unable to take part in PE due to illness or injury, please notify me in writing including the reason for non-participation.


We change reading books every Monday and Thursday.

When your child is given a book to read at home, they need to have this in their book bag in school every day to ensure that we can read with them during the school week. Please sign their reading record to say you have heard them read and the page number so we can give them a new once they have finished a book.

The expectation is that your child reads for at least 5 times a week. If your child reads 5 times a week, they are rewarded with 5 minutes extra play a week and a chance for our class to win the reading trophy each week.



English and Maths homework will be set on Wednesday and is to be returned on the following Monday.

Both Maths and English homework will link to the learning in school so please ensure this is completed at home to support the children's learning. 


The spellings all follow our phonics scheme and these will be given out on the Wednesday and tested on the Monday.

The children will also practice Year 1 common exception words which are a statutory part of the national curriculum.


 QR Codes

Phonic Screening Check Workshop - 2025


Thank you for your continued support! 

Miss Pallett, Miss Cooper, Ms Weston and Mrs Parry