Vision: Respect Ourselves, Grow Together, Learn Forever
At Greenmeadow Primary School, we aim to provide a curious and exciting Design and Technology curriculum, inspiring all pupils to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies, now and in the future. Swindon is a town that has thrived as a result of engineering - from the railways to modern times when key industries such as Dyson have become key employers. Through our relevant and progressive D.T curriculum, we aim to equip all our pupils with the ability to think and work creatively to improve quality of life. The subject calls for a broad and flexible approach for children to become autonomous and creative problem solvers, as individuals and members of a team. Children are taught to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of DT showing cultural awareness and being mindful of developing positive mental health. Children look for needs, wants and opportunities and respond to them by developing a range of ideas and making products and systems. They combine practical skills and first-hand experiences with an understanding of aesthetics, social and environmental issues, function and industrial practices. As they do so, they reflect on and evaluate present and past design and technology, its uses and effects.
At Greenmeadow Primary School, we carefully map the teaching of DT across the year and the school. DT is taught in 3 out of 6 terms, one session per week. The curriculum is carefully planned across the school to expose children to skills appropriate to their stage in their primary school journey.
Over an academic year, all year groups will have one unit of learning on the three key areas - textiles, food and structure. All of the units will follow a plan, make and evaluate structure and floorbooks are completed on a weekly basis to represent the journey that children work through. Children are provided with first-hand experiences in school which may include tasting products, visiting local structures or virtual tours. A unit will begin with exploration and identification of skills needed. Children will then plan their projects before making them following the plans they considered. Upon completion of their individual projects, children will reflect and evaluate on their successes and adaptations that could be considered to make the final product more effective. Self-evaluation is a positive technique to support self-improvement. EYFS explore materials, investigate how things work and complete short-term projects. DT skills are learnt and practised ready to be built on as they progress into KS1.
We aim for:
+ Children to demonstrate and apply their understanding of the ‘plan, make and evaluate’ structure to a variety of products.
+ Children to understand and apply a variety of skills and techniques safely and effectively when using a range of tools and equipment.
+ Children to effectively self-evaluate their products against real-life examples and success criteria to support their self-improvement.
Please find below the Design and Technology Learning Progression