Greenmeadow Primary School

Vision: Respect Ourselves, Grow Together, Learn Forever


At Greenmeadow Primary School, we believe that Religious Education (RE) is essential in helping all children become successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens. Our intent is to inspire curiosity and provide relevant, exciting opportunities for children to investigate and reflect on the fundamental questions that shape human experience. We aim to engage children in systematic enquiry into significant questions addressed by various religions and worldviews. This approach allows children to develop the understanding and skills necessary to appreciate diverse perspectives while formulating their own thoughtful responses. Our RE curriculum is designed to be broad and flexible, incorporating creative and engaging methods to explore complex topics. Through first-hand experiences, discussions, and reflections, we encourage children to connect with the material meaningfully, understanding its relevance to their lives now and in the future. We recognise the importance of a progressive curriculum that not only enhances critical thinking and empathy but also supports mental health and well-being. By fostering an environment of respect and open dialogue, we empower children to navigate the diverse beliefs that exist in our world, preparing them to be thoughtful and informed citizens.


At Greenmeadow Primary School, our Religious Education (RE) curriculum is designed to ensure that all children achieve three key objectives. Children will learn about and understand a range of religions and worldviews, gaining insights into their beliefs and practices. This foundational knowledge is crucial for fostering respect and appreciation for diversity. We encourage children to express their thoughts and insights regarding the nature, significance, and impact of various religions and worldviews. By articulating their ideas, students develop critical thinking and communication skills that are essential for engaging in meaningful discussions about beliefs. We aim to equip children with the skills needed to engage seriously and thoughtfully with diverse beliefs. This focus on engagement helps create an environment of respect and understanding, where children feel comfortable exploring complex ideas.

To implement this curriculum, we use the "Jigsaw RE" program, which introduces a new topic each half term and lessons are taught weekly. This scheme also addresses Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural (SMSC) issues, further enriching our curriculum. Within each module, children have opportunities to reflect on their own beliefs and compare them with those of their peers, promoting dialogue and understanding.

Through interactive lessons, discussions, and reflective activities, our RE curriculum encourages children to think critically about their learning and develop a deeper appreciation for the diverse world around them. By fostering these skills and insights, we aim to prepare our children to navigate and contribute positively to an increasingly diverse society.

During the year we enjoy visits from local Religious leaders and visits to local Places of Worship where appropriate.  


We aim for:

+ Children to grow into successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens through inspiring curiosity and systematic inquiry into diverse religions and worldviews.

+ Children to explore a variety of beliefs and practices, fostering a deep understanding and respect for different cultures.

+ Children to apply critical thinking and communication skills while promoting empathy and open-mindedness, essential for navigating a diverse society.

+ Children to engage in discussions, reflections, and first-hand experiences, making learning meaningful and relevant to children’s lives.

+ Children to have an atmosphere of respect and understanding to support the mental health and well-being of our children.

+ Children to be equipped with the skills to engage with complex ideas and diverse beliefs, preparing them to be informed, contributing citizens in their communities.


Parents have a right to withdraw their children from religious education (RE) and collective worship. Requests to withdraw children from these aspects of our curriculum should be discussed with the head teacher.