Safeguarding Information
At Greenmeadow, we provide a safe, caring environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of the individual child free from discrimination or bullying where children can learn and develop happily. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Safeguarding Policy.
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
If you have any concerns/questions in relation to a child’s safety or wellbeing, please contact one of the Safeguarding Team:
- Mrs Mackinnon – Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children
- Mrs Vaughan – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Mrs Kersey - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
The above staff can be contacted via the school office or by calling the school on 01793 521141
- Mark Crossland and Christine Norton – Link Governors for Safeguarding (
- Swindon Borough Council Contact Swindon (01793 464646) ( Contact Swindon was previously called MASH. Emergency Duty Service for out of working hours: 01793 436699
Any action is taken in line with the following legislation/guidance:
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2024
- The Prevent duty – Departmental advice for schools and childcare providers (July 2015)
- The Prevent Duty (Updated December 2023)
Our safeguarding policy can be found within the document and policies area of the website.
Please see the Blue Kite Trust Academy Trust Safeguarding Statement: BKAT-Safeguarding-Statement (
We live in an ever-changing, digital world with children increasing having access to the internet and mobile apps. Keeping safe online is a vital part of safeguarding the pupils at Greenmeadow Primary School. We actively teach children about keeping safe online through our cross-curricular computing curriculum and dedicated e-safety sessions. This includes how we stay safe and respect others, and how we share concerns should we have any.
If you have any e-safety concerns, you can contact Mrs Chandler - our computing lead - via the school office, your child’s teacher or Mrs Mackinnon. Useful links and information are on the school website in the learning tab under e-safety. Please look here for further information.
Extremism and Radicalisation
We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism within society. It is vital that staff and parents are aware of the possible danger of extremism and radicalisation of children, predominantly but not solely through online activities. We are committed to supporting parents and pupils to be aware of these dangers. The document below provides further information on this. Staff training is carried out in this area.
Channel Duty Guidance 2021
Pastoral Care and Early Help Support
At Greenmeadow Primary, we aim to support all our children so that they are happy, confident individuals who develop into positive learners and members of both the school and the wider community. We recognise that all people can have times when they feel that they need additional support to help achieve this for a variety of reasons. See also our well-being page for further information.
All staff at Greenmeadow, teaching and non-teaching, have made a commitment to the Behaviour Policy and the Safeguarding Policy. These can be found in our Documents and Policies section. We have a clear emphasis on encouraging children to express any concerns that they have to someone whom they choose - teachers, non -teaching staff and the Headteacher.
Parents are also reminded that they need to `tell’ if there are any concerns expressed by their child. We particularly encourage parents to phone before or after school, between 8:00am and 4:00pm. In this way, issues can be resolved and we can work more effectively together. We would rather hear about concerns so that we can support and take appropriate actions.
We strongly believe in a multi-agency approach when working with identified students and are fortunate to have access to the following agencies:
- Lighthouse Support staff as part of the Blue Kite Trust trained to support children's emotional needs and development
- Parent Support Advisors
- Education and welfare officers
- Locality School Nurse
- Police – Local PCSOs
- Our trained SEMH staff
- Our trained ELSA staff
- Loss and Bereavement support and guidance from a range of professionals
If you wish to discuss anything in relation to Pastoral Support for your child, please contact Mrs Mackinnon, Headteacher.
Early Help
Early help is support which we are able to offer to help improve outcomes for children. This can be for a range of reasons - support to access services, guidance on a range of topics such as sleeping, behaviour or encouraging good food choices. School staff work alongside families and on occasion other professionals such as our parent advisor or some of the other professionals listed above. Early help can be through booking in for a drop in session or through arranging a series of sessions. If you do feel you would like support, please book a parental support advisor slot with the office or speak to Mrs Mackinnon.
If you would like to know more about services available in Swindon please follow this link: Early Help and Graduated Response
Information for children and families for outside school hours
During any time school is closed you may feel worried, anxious or unsafe. Don’t forget there are also organisations you can contact for support.
Free telephone number: 0800 1111 Or E mail via the website
Calling the number above will connect you to a one to one counsellor, who you can talk to about your worries.
Free telephone number: 116 123 Or Visit the website The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk anytime you like in your own way.
Young Minds
If you need support in a crisis or just need to talk to someone Young Minds are there to offer support.